Friday, 9 September 2016

Image result for welcome

Hello Y7 and welcome to our Y7 English blog! It´s very important that you write down the web address to get to this page or save it in your favourites list on your computer. 

I will regularly post information on here regarding classwork, homework and notices of assessments/exams, so please make sure that you check this blog regularly, even outside of class time. 

Please spend the rest of this lesson working through the following tasks:

1) You need a gmail account. If you already have one you can use that but, if you don't, you need to create one. Make sure your name and password are easy for you to remember. If you are finding it hard to find a good name, add 'sfp' to the end of your name. (e.g.

2) Send an email to with your name and class as the title. This is to help me make a class email list for English.

3) Download google drive to your computer (using your new gmail account). This will allow us to share documents. 

4) Join Quizlet -

5) - Create a folder entitled ´English´.
    - Within this folder, create another folder called ´Term One´.
    -  Finally, within this folder create two folders; one called ´Kensuke’s Kingdom´ and one called ´Grammar´.

1 comment:

  1. Where is the things that we have to put on the kensuke's kingdom impression of Michael of South Africa?
