In September 1925, when I
was just nine, I set off on the first
adventure of my life – boarding
school. My mother had
for me a school in a part of England very near to our
in South Wales, and it was called St Peter´s. The full
was St Peter´s School,
Weston-super-Mare, Somerset.
Weston-super-Mare is a
slightly seedy seaside resort with a vast
beach, a fantastic long pier, a wide path running along
the sea-front, a collection of hotels, and about ten
little shops selling
buckets and spades and sticks of rock and ice-
It lies directly across the sea from Cardiff, and on a clear
day you can see the coast of Wales lying pale and
milky on the
In those days, the easiest
way to travel from Cardiff to Weston-super-Mare
by boat. These boats were beautiful. Therefore, on the first day of my
first term I set out by taxi with my mother to catch
the boat. Every piece of
I wore was brand new. I wore black shoes, grey woollen stockings,
grey shorts, a grey shirt, a red tie, a grey blazer
and a grey school cap. Into
the taxi
that was taking us to the docks went my brand new trunk and my
brand new tuck-box, and both of them had R.Dahl
painted on them in
black. I felt excited by
my new adventure.
A tuck-box is a small
wooden trunk which is very strongly made, and no
has ever gone to board at a school without one. It is a secret hiding
place and there is an unwritten law that no other boy,
teacher or even the
headmaster himself has the
right to look in your tuck-box and for this
it is always kept locked. A tuck-box is where you store your secret
and favourite possessions. My mother had filled my box
with chocolate,
jam, sweets and biscuits.
However, as well as tuck, a tuck box would also
all sorts of strange treasures such as a compass, a small racing car,
lead soldiers, some foreign stamps and some stink
So, off we set in the boat
across the sea. I liked that part of the journey. I
excited about travelling on the swooshing sea. However, soon I began
to grow anxious and apprehensive as we got off the
boat at Weston-super-
Mare. I
didn’t know what to expect. I
had never spent a night away from
The school was on a hill
above the town. It was a long three-storeyed stone
that looked rather like a lunatic hospital. The driveway was full of
parents and children, and the headmaster was swimming
around shaking
everybody’s hand. He was a giant. He shook me by the hand and
flashed me
the kind of grin a shark
might give to a small fish just before he eats it. My
left and I began to cry.
great thanks