Tuesday, 28 February 2017

English Exam

Year 7, over the next two lessons that you have with me you will be preparing for a speaking exam.

Your speaking exam will ask you to individually speak about year 7 so far and your plans for the remainder of the year. You will be assessed on Criterion C and D (organisation of your ideas, and grammar)

You need to prepare to speak for 2 to 3 minutes. You will be allowed no more than 50 words of NOTES in front of you while you speak.

You could talk about:

  • Your favourite event that has taken place in school. 
  • Your biggest achievement. 
  • New friends that you have made. 
  • Your favourite subject.

  • Any regrets that you have. 
  • Things that you would like to do differently and why. 

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Revision of future tenses

Copy the table into your note books and fill in the missing column based on your notes from last lesson.You can use colours and be creative - this is your revision material.

Extra Challenge: See if you can find the information for the last one as we have not studied it together yet!

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Analysing an Advert

You must answer these questions
What product is the advert advertising?
What specific information does the advert give you? Why?
What techniques does the advert use to persuade you to buy the product?
Who is the target audience? How do you know this?
What do you think about the advert? Do you think it is effective? Why? Which is your favourite part and why?
The advert I have chosen to analyse is... 
The advert shows... 
The main message of the advert/The advert wants the viewer to feel... 
The advert uses techniques such as... to show... 
The target audience is... I know this because... 
I think the advert is/is not successful because... 
After seeing this advert, I feel that...